In every Community Service trip, each and every single one of the members tries his or her best to share knowledge with the orphans and to introduce them to a world that they barely understand. However, during this trip to Olive Garden, we decided to simply have fun and bond with the orphans. Everyone exchanged laughter, jokes, songs and exciting conversations. It was a precious moment when there were no boundaries or gaps between the orphans and us. Everyone was connected in a way, either indulged in a fun activity or a thrilling match of soccer out in the yard.
Different from the previous trips, we taught a song, Heal the World, to the orphans. Afterwards, they in turn taught us their songs, which are all in the Chin language. As we sang side by side, it became evident that if we just reach out to them, if we just manage to take a few hours out of our own time, we can give them the friendship, the warmth and the affection that they lack in their lives. Next to the song group was the games group. Loud laughter and constant giggles were heard as we played several different games with the kids. No one was left out; everyone happily played a game of building towers with just paper and chopsticks, each squealing with excitement as the towers wobbled back and forth. Right across from the games group is the art group. Everyone sat still as their partners drew birds and flowers and patterns on their hands. The little kids chuckled in satisfaction as we painted little hearts and stars on their little arms. Out under the scorching sun is the sports group. As the boys played soccer, the girls hula-hooped and played dodge ball. After being worn out by the scorching sun, everybody came back inside and joined the other three groups. Time passed by and we had to say goodbye. To show their gratitude for visiting them and donating supplies to the orphanage, the orphans sang several songs for us. It was truly a touching moment as everyone swayed back and forth to the melody. Even the guide that came along with us sang a slow country song while one of the children played the guitar. Yes, they'll all come to meet me, arms reaching, smiling sweetly. It's good to touch the green, green grass of home. Then I awake and look around me, at the four grey walls that surround me and I realize, yes, I was only dreaming… The sad lyrics of the song touched each and every one of us. To return this favor, we all sang Heal the World and before we knew it, we were saying goodbye. As we left, we can still see the children waving their hands with bright smiles and bright eyes.
AuthorsThese true stories are written by ISM Community Service students and teachers. Archives
October 2014
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